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  • Think Global Session: Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Think Global Session: Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Thursday, October 12, 2017 - 8:30am to Friday, October 13, 2017 - 2:45pm

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Nova Scotia Business Inc., in partnership with Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Nova Scotia (ACOA), is offering Export Education, providing Nova Scotia companies with export education and resources.

We are hosting a Think Global Session on Intellectual Property (IP). During this session, we will explore your IP rights, learn about the services available through the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, and hear from an experienced Nova Scotia exporter on how they manage significant IP challenges. One-on-one consultations to follow.


8:30am - 9:00am:  Registration and Coffee

9:00am - 12:00pm: Information Session

12:00pm - 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm - 3:00pm: One-on-one meetings. Pre-arranged by appointment only.

Presenters and Topics:

Christene H. Hirschfeld, Partner, Boyne Clarke LLP

  •    Understanding your rights, obligations and IP responsibilities.  
  •    How can a company protect themselves? 

Cecile Klein, Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

  • How the CIPO can help?
  • Services and Resources

Hermes Chan, CEO, MedMira

  • Our story - Protecting IP in China

Registration fee: FREE

Registration deadline: October 10, 2017

To book your one-on-one meeting, indicate "Yes" or "No" on the registration page.

Light refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Check out the Export Development Education Calendar for a complete listing of courses available in your region.


Jennifer Dunbar


Halifax Regional Municipality


Export Education

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